Monday, October 12, 2009

get over with it...

Procrastination has many definitions but basically it means putting off doing things. This sort of attitude is actually a state of mind of the individual and can be detrimental to getting things done at doing things at the very last minute. This attitude may be prompted by many things and getting over it may need some determination on the part of the individual. The dangers of procrastination are not being able to do things the right way due to cramming, making mistakes due to a short time period, unfinished work and being stripped of responsibilities due to irresponsible behavior.

Factors That Contribute To Procrastination

Procrastination can be a product of a lot of things. People who are used to not doing anything may procrastinate due to inexperience in dealing with responsibilities and dealing with work. Inexperience and the threat of being unable to follow through with what one is supposed to do can cause a person to put off doing his or her responsibilities until the very last minute. The fact that a person with little or no knowledge about the work that is presented to him or her can trigger a procrastination reaction but this also shows a different side to his or her personality. This shows that the person is also unwilling to learn how to do things which means that he or she is adamant about things and putting these off.

Other factors that may prompt procrastination are laziness and unwillingness to do things. Many people who do not wish to do things often put off doing them until they really need to or until someone else do those things for them. These factors are usually applicable for personal things since work will suffer from this kind of procrastination and one could lose one’s job for it.

Altering One’s Perspective

In order to stop procrastinating, one should change how one views the whole world. The level of responsibility that one is given is usually high in work and also in one’s personal life. Accepting these responsibilities should be accompanied by an attitude that is wiling to work and look for ways to get around procrastination. One should be determined to get over procrastination and there are ways and means to do so. One way of doing so is to set a limit of work that one is doing in order not to be overwhelmed. Procrastination is sometimes triggered by the fact that there is nothing that one can do about the enormous amount of things to be done.

avoid it..

Self Control and Help to Avoid Procrastination

In the present research participants were being told to carry through a task which they didn’t place much of the value on and was very comfortable to finish, it was just something that had to be performed at some point of time, a chore. In the other words individuals weren’t arguing with themselves whether the task had to be performed, just when it had to be done. In Fujita’s study, however, looking at self-discipline, it was a doubt of whether or not participants would do a job. It’s the property of time, then, that most differentiates between procrastination and self-control. Concrete, low-level construal assists one to begin a task sooner but don’t assist the individual decide to do it in the first place.

How to Get Things Done
Help to avoid procrastinating on a task, concentrate on its details and utilize voluntary deadlines.
To adhere to a job, while really carrying it out, now it is salutary to maintain the ultimate, abstract goal in mind. This is the best method to avoid procrastination at work.
When valuating advancement on a difficult task, when the opportunities of failure is high, stay concentrated on the details of the job.
Once jobs are gentler or the end is in sight, a more abstract, goal concentrate is once again the psychological approach to pick it up. So, whether or not one feels help to avoid procrastination is something in requirement of a ‘cure’.

stop it..!!!

Procrastination is the act of putting off things which should actually be done. In life, there are many things which we can put off and actually ignore in order to get through it easier. In order to stop procrastinating, there are a few things which one needs to face up to and admit to one’s self. These things are realities that one usually lives with in order to socialize and get along with other people. How to stop procrastinating is often something that many people do not know how to start.


Whether we like it or not, all of us have certain responsibilities which we need to face up to in order to function as we should in life. One should stop procrastinating and realize what these responsibilities are. As a normal person with no disabilities which may stop him or her, one’s responsibilities are not to be a burden to one’s family. This means that one has to stop procrastinating in school and study hard in order to get a good job. Your parents did not send you to elementary school just to procrastinate in high school or college and use up the entire college fund wandering aimlessly in the school campus.

Another responsibility that we have to our country and our government is to not be a burden to them. Relying on welfare when one is perfectly capable of working manual or menial jobs is just like taking away welfare from those who deserve it. One should stop procrastinating and start looking for work as soon as possible to be able to support oneself.

Our parents are also our responsibility when they grow old. It is only right that we take care of them when they need our care. We should not procrastinate when we are fully able to get jobs and help our families with their lives. Many people who finish high school and college like to take some time to think things through before they get jobs. When this time to think stretches too long, it is time to stop procrastinating and get on with one’s life. We may not think that there are people who are affected by procrastination but there are indeed those who despair when someone procrastinates.

In order to stop procrastinating we should face up to our responsibilities. It is not only the people we love and those who love us whom we owe getting on with our lives but also ourselves. When we stop procrastinating, we make our lives better and more productive.

why again...???

Procrastination is something that people of all ages and backgrounds have experienced in their lifetime. Who hasn’t waited on cleaning the house or writing a paper until the very last minute possible? There are many different reasons for why people procrastinate. The following are just some of the many causes for this epidemic that seems to span generations.


One answer to the why do students procrastinate question is that kids and adults alike do not want to deal with difficult things. This can mean everything from a particularly hard essay to taking the car in for a check-up. People sometimes do not want to hear bad news because they worry it will be even more difficult to manage than the task in front of them. So, instead of dealing with the issue at hand, they instead procrastinate and try to distract themselves or pretend the issue doesn’t exist.

Can’t Concentrate

One of the main reasons why people procrastinate is that they can’t concentrate on the task at hand. When people sit down to finish or even start a task, their mind goes elsewhere. This can be because there are too many distractions around them or because they have a medical condition like ADD. Concentration doesn’t come naturally to some people. If you do not learn how to focus, this can become one of the many reasons why people procrastinate and do not start their work or projects ahead of time and have to work on them at the last minute. Thus, if you are having issues with procrastination, it may help to try completing the task in a new location or with help. This can help you at least start your work.

Fear of Failure

One of the most basic reasons why people procrastinate is that they do not want to fail at the task at hand. This can mean that they delay start on homework because they worry they are not good enough to receive a passing grade or that they fear calling back a friend or loved one because they worry the person they are worried about rejection. Thus, a fear or failure is one of the most common reasons why people procrastinate.

Poor Time Management Skills

Another common reason why people procrastinate is that they think they have more time than they do to complete a project. A lot of the time, people do not mean to put things off as long as they do. Instead, they just incorrectly measure the amount of time needed to complete a project.

Why Do we Procrastinate

It’s one of the age-old questions of the young and old: why procrastinate when we know deadlines are coming up and things have to get done? Why do people procrastinate when they know what will happen if the car doesn’t get fixed or if the project isn’t submitted on time? Though it may seem like there is no real reason to this age-old issue, there are answers to the why procrastinate question. The following are just some of the roots for why procrastination happens.

Time Management Skills

One of the main reasons for the why procrastinate question of life is that people often have never learned how to organize their time. This is a skill that does not come naturally to some people. If folks do not know how to prioritize their work and home lives, then they will not be able to identify what it most important and needs to be done first. Thus, one of the main reasons for procrastination is that folks simply do not know how to measure how much time they have and how to best use it.


One of the answers to the why procrastinate question is that some people do not know how to deal with stress. When confronted with a list of things to accomplish, they feel intense amounts of anxiety. When they experience feelings of anxiety, they spend more time worrying than doing. Thus, folks procrastinate because they can not overcome or move past their stress. They may even feel immobilized or isolated by the stress or anxiety they feel.

Poor Concentration

Another of the answers to the why procrastinate question is that people just can’t concentrate on the task at hand. This may be because of environmental factors. For example, if you are trying to focus on a project while dealing with other issues or in the mist of loud noise, then it makes sense that you won’t be able to concentrate enough to start or finish things. Additionally, you may be dealing with a medical condition like ADD or some other attention-type condition that’s at the root of the why procrastinate debate or issue.

Avoidance Issues

Lastly, a major reason behind the why procrastinate issue is that folks do not want to face difficult emotions or issues. Folks do this because they do not want to hear hard news or feel stress. Thus, instead of trying to dive into a project or running an errand, they avoid the issue and do other things instead.